Pirate Goods
Movie Props |
Due to the growing popularity of Pirate, Buccaneer, and Privateer reenacting and history, we have
decided to devote a page of products to this subject.
Some of the items listed here, are located elsewhere on our site, while others are new.
We can outfit one or the whole blasted scurvy crew by thunder !!
Enjoy, ye olde sea dogs !!
Pistols and Muskets:
Click on the individual descriptions listed below the picture for more details.
From top left to bottom:
1) English, (Jacobean), Lock Pistol, 2) Doglock Pistol, 1640's-1700, 3) French Pistol, 1720's
4) English Lock Musket , 5) Doglock Musket, Early Pattern, 6) Early Brit. Sea Service Musket
7) Late period Doglock Musket and Musketoon, 8) French Marine & Grenadier Musket, 1690's
9) French Blunderbuss, NOT PICTURED- 10) Doglock Blunderbuss, 11) Matchlock Musket,
12) British Blunderbuss,
Our goods were supplied to Disney for all , "Pirates of the Caribbean" movies.
Some of our pistols were used in "Master and Commander".
Cutlasses, Daggers and Axes, (Edged Weaponry):
Click the pics for details
....British 18th C. Cutlass..............1742 Hanger.......17thC. Dutch Cutlass.....Mediterranean. Cutlass
Shell Guard Cutlass.....................Mediterranean Cutlass #2........................1751 Hanger
The above swords & cutlasses are commonly used for pirate impressions, however, we have others available on our sword page.
...............Axes....................Plug Bayonets/Daggers
***Our 1742 and 1751 Hangers were supplied to Disney Productions for all
three, "Pirates of the Caribbean", movies.
Pirate Sword Sling
Will fit right up to a person 6'5" tall. Sling is 2 3/4 wide.
Available in both natural Brown and Black. Frog is left open to accommodate any size sword
scabbard, esp. the wide pirate cutlass styles.
Price: $58.00Cdn./$56.00US.
Pirate Large Waist Belt
Our new wide waist belts, (2 3/4 inch), will fit up to a 44 inch waist easily.
Available in Black or Natural Brown with large round style brass buckle.
The perfect belt to tuck your pistol into.
Price: $39.00Cdn./37.20US.
Iron, hand forged buckle model, same specs, suitable from Medieval period to mid 18th Century.
Price: $46.00 Cdn./$40.00 US.
Clothing, Shoes & Boots:
(More coming soon)
Nautical Accessories:
Sextants, Compasses, Telescopes, etc. Click Here
Our Sextant & telescopes, as well as many other products, can be seen on the 4 part
TV documentary,
"Captain Cook; Betrayl and Obsession in the New World".
Pirate Books: